BFT welcomes written public comments, which can be submitted online, and oral public comments during our open meetings. Public participation in Board meetings is subject to the Policy Regarding Public Participation at Public Meetings

Please complete the form below to submit public comments online or sign up to speak at a Board of Directors meeting.


To submit Public Comment online, please enter your comments below. Written Public Comments are subject to public disclosure under the Washington State Public Records Act.

To sign up to speak during the Public Comments portion of a Board of Directors meeting, please select the meeting date below. Please note public comments are limited to three (3) minutes on matters related to agenda items only and other matters directly related to or under the direction of the Ben Franklin Transit Board of Directors' authority. Submitting written public comments no later than 24 hours in advance will ensure they are distributed to the Board before the upcoming meeting. The public comment portion of the meeting is generally limited to thirty (30) minutes total unless extended by the Board of Directors. Priority shall be given to those who have signed up for public comment in advance.